Planet Talk - Connected Mar. 2016 | Page 9

Me: What would be your two greatest concerns?

Karol: My two greatest concerns about living here are not being able to fully adapt to the culture and also not seeing my family and friends for a long time.

Me: What is the best place to live, England or Brazil?

Karol: Haha that's a tricky question. I love Brazil because there is no place like it and all my family and friends are there but unfortunately there are a lot of things in Brazil that make our lives a little bit more difficult. Now England is an awesome country with a lot of opportunities, and things are definitely easier here. So I would have to say England. But I LOVE BRAZIL!

Me: Is it in your plans to live here in Brazil again?

Karol: Yes, I would love to live there again.

Me: What do you miss the most?

Karol: I definitely miss the food. There is nothing like our traditional rice and beans. I miss it so much haha once in awhile I make it. But the beans are just not the same so it tastes different. I also miss açaí.