Planet Talk - Connected Mar. 2016 | Page 8


Karolyne Domingues Silva

Age : 22

Where was born: São Roque

Current city: Gillingham

Me: What was your first feeling when you moved to England?

Karol: I had so many feelings when I moved, but I definitely felt really excited. Everything was so new, fresh and different for me that made me feel really excited.

Me: What are the different things of England?

Karol: There are a lot of different things in England, for an example the weather. it's crazy to compare Brazil with England, but since I moved here I could count in one hand how many days were clear and blue sky. I'm so used to the beautiful and blue sky of São Roque that when I see a blue sky here I get all happy and excited. It's always cloudy and at the moment really, really cold. People here are different too, but not in a bad way. I thought they would be really different from us Brazilians but it turns out to be a little bit similar, they're very polite and receptive, I really liked it. Of course there are people who can be a bit mean, but I haven't seen any yet.

u would imagine to get even a nomination. Going into stuff like that, you’re basically waiting for finger pointing and ridicule. So that was a very special and shocking moment to even have been nominated.

You mean taking risks with characters opens you up to ridicule?

I know sometimes (with roles) people will watch it and say, “That’s just madness, he’s just playing some weirdo or he’s painted his face again.” But these are the characters that I see, it’s how I see them. And if you feel it’s the right thing to do for the character and you stick to your guns, no matter what, at least you tried something. Even if it’s an absolute failure. So I feel really good about my characters in the sense that I at least tried something. If it works, great. If it doesn’t work, I tried.

Roque that when I see a blue sky here I get all happy and excited. It's always cloudy and at the moment really, really cold. People here are different too, but not in a bad way. I thought they would be really different from us Brazilians but it turns out to be a little bit similar, they're very polite and receptive, I really liked it. Of course there are people who can be a bit mean, but I haven't seen any yet.

Me: Where can I go, when I travel to England?

Karol: There are a lot of beautiful places here, but I would recommend central London, where the Big Ben is. It's amazing and there are lots of landmarks around to see.


by maysa Oliveira

Why England? - Teacher Karol talks

about her life in England.