Plan Meet Repeat December 2019 PMR.Dec | Página 12

Charlie Cina captivates his au- diences and teaches them how to master the right mindset, missions, and moves to reach their personal potential to drive massive revenue. Through his writings, speaking, and consulting, he has built a vast group of followers known as Disci- ples of Sales. Charlie believes that the ability to present and persuade are necessary life skills that every- one needs to succeed. He will teach you that your primary responsi- bility in business is to expose your brand, expose your products, ex- pose your services, and expose your solutions to build long-lasting revenue relationships. Carol Morgan, president of Denim Marketing, is one of those women who seems to do a million things effortlessly: she runs her own successful marketing firm; she has an award-winning ra- dio show; she’s written four books; she’s served as chair of the National Home Builders Associa- tion’s Professional Wom- en in Building Council; and she’s won multiple professional awards. She also manages a 20-acre farm; rides dressage; and is a mom. And she makes it look easy! Website: Carol speaks on change, leadership, netiquette, social media, market- ing, search engine optimization and several other topics. Day to day she focuses on marketing strategy and integrating public relations, social media, content and creative to tell engaging stories for clients that garner measurable traffic and show ROI. Denim Marketing cele- brated its 20th Anniversary in 2019. Known as the Disaster Avoid- ance Expert, Dr. Gleb Tsi- pursky has over 20 years of experience empowering lead- ers and organizations to avoid business disasters by address- ing potential threats, maximiz- ing unexpected opportunities, and resolving persistent per- sonnel problems. He serves as the CEO of the boutique con- sulting and training firm Disas- ter Avoidance Experts, whose clients range from Fortune 500 companies to mid-size busi- nesses and nonprofits. Tsipursky wrote the national bestseller on avoiding business disas- ters, “The Truth Seeker’s Handbook: A Science-Based Guide,” and his new book forthcoming in November 2019 with Career Press is “Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters.” Tsipursky’s cutting-edge thought leadership was featured in over 400 articles he wrote and over 350 interviews he gave in venues such as Fast Company, CBS News, Time, Scientific American, Psychology Today, The Conversa- tion, Business Insider, Government Executive, Inc. Magazine, and CNBC. Website: 12 Website: Sherrie Clark is a best-selling and award-winning au- thor, ghostwriter, ed- itor, and publisher who prides herself in raising up best-selling and award-winning au- thors. Sherrie has spo- ken before audiences of all sizes regarding social issues and communica- tion through storytell- ing and writing books. She intertwines her sto- rytelling skills from her human resources days in corporate and in nonprofits, from working in the NYPD public service sector, and as an entrepreneur and small business owner. Website: