the Weights
for Your
Dream Body!
By Nick Pabon, Personal Trainer
Photo: Pixabay
The first question women ask me is, "If I Do not be afraid to train as hard as some of
add weight training to my work out, won't I those women and men, because naturally
become muscular like a man?"
you can achieve amazing results through
light, medial and intense weight training.
The short answer is NO!
Cardio is a very popular way for someone
Men have an abundance of testosterone, to kick off the beginning of their fitness
a naturally occurring hormone that allows program, and cardio can be great alone;
them to build muscle mass by lifting weights. however, it lacks huge benefits that weight
Women too have this hormone but in much lifting can offer.
smaller quantities. Therefore, the female
bodybuilders you have seen in magazines The benefits of weight training are clear:
did not bulk up by simply adding some more calories burned, and increased fat
weights to their training, and you would loss; improved quality of sleep for a get-upneed the help of performance enhancing and-go attitude; increase heart and bone
drugs to look like them.
health; and provides a great stress reliever.