P&L Discussions | Page 11

trouble. We need to realize that the cops are the good guys here, “to serve and protect”. We also need to realize that cops are people too, and like you and I they make mistakes as well.To get started let us talk about why it is that people hate cops. You may have found yourself pulled over by a cop that doesn’t seem motivated to work and treat you like crap. To make matter worse, you got a hefty ticket that you must pay for in court. You might also be watching the news and a story headline caught your undivided attention saying something bad about the police. You might have been born and raised in a community that hates police, you may have never had a thing with the police but just because your best friends’ older brothers’ cousin hates the police, now all the sudden you hate them too. Whatever your reasoning might be it all comes down to basically one cop that is corrupt and serving the people horribly. This one cop with this one mistake puts a bad reputation on the whole organization. Why? Because we see the police as an authority figure, someone who is professional and solves all of our problems, and when these people serve you wrong, you start to hinder and diss them. But that is probably because you have never seen the good in the police. I can prove to you that most cops actually want to be cops and actually want to serve and protect their community.

Next lets view the actual good in police. A story published by Ron Dicker on huffpost.com. In a restaurant in Homestead, Pennsylvania a couple walked in to have a nice dinner. As they walked in they saw that there was an empty table next to a table of 4 police officers eating and enjoying their break. The couple quickly refused to sit next to the police officers and would rather wait to have a seat that was far away from them. Fortunate enough for the couple there was another empty seat elsewhere. At the end of the meal the couple received the check and was shocked to find that their dinner was covered. All $28.58 was paid for by the police officers. To make things better there was a note on the receipt


Wilson Wardana