PKSOI/GLOBAL TRENDS CASE STUDIES After the Fall of North Korea | Page 4

Advisor will assist on civilian issues such as governance , humanitarian assistance , provision of essential services , infrastructure reconstruction , internally displaced persons and refugees . Together with South Korean military and police leaders , the Chinese Advisor will assist with security for the population , policing , and securing WMD . Russian , Indian , Japanese and Australian officials have offered to fill key roles , with Russian soldiers aiding in the search for WMD . ( Assumption : because the ROK , the U . S ., China and Russia have a common interest in ensuring the humanitarian crisis does not deteriorate further and they understand they [ and international and non-governmental agencies ] need to feed some 25 million hungry North Koreans , representatives from the four countries will work together cooperatively for the first three months .) 8 . A South Korean General will take charge of the North Korean military and security operations , and a ROK National Police Officer will take over policing in the North . China will provide senior military and police advisors and will patrol the buffer zone region together with the South Korean Army . Up to the end of the war , the U . S . Forces Korea ( USFK ) Commander also served as the Combined Forces Commander of the U . S . and South Korean Forces . He was also triple-hatted as the UN Commander in Korea . Due to Chinese insistence , under the UNSCR , his role has now been reduced to wearing only one hat , that of USFK Commander . 9 . Right now , with some 30,000 U . S . troops in the South , there are over 15,000 American soldiers in the North . However , past an as yet undetermined moment in time dependent on security conditions , the only American “ boots ” on the ground in North Korea will be a small U . S . Army contingent helping to search for WMD and delivery systems , a U . S . Army Corps of Engineers unit , a Navy Seabee unit , and a USAF Red Horse Squadron to enable reconstruction , along with de-miners and a Civil Affairs and logistics unit to help provide humanitarian assistance . 10 . This limitation on U . S . forces north of the 38th Parallel was part of the deal arranged in the UN Security Council to obtain Chinese and Russian buy-in for the Chapter VII UNSCR that established the actors and their roles for the post-conflict period . This is also how the PRC gained the Senior Advisor role for security , vice allowing the U . S . to have it . China and Russia also demanded economic access to North Korean ports as well as contracts for reconstruction , mining , etc ., in exchange for acquiescing to Korean reunification . 11 . Although China and Russia amassed troops on their borders with North Korea and China pushed into a 50-miledeep swath of North Korean territory , neither country played an active role in the fighting . Both seem determined to ensure stability on the Peninsula now . However , the UNSCR did not establish a mechanism or a timeline to remove Chinese forces from North Korean territory or for China to relinquish its security role in the North . 12 . Kim Jong Un is thought to be in hiding in the Chinese buffer zone , along with most of his inner circle . China ’ s knowledge of , or participation in , this situation is unknown . The lone DPRK Army general who signed the surrender document yesterday is asking to play a role in a re-unified Korea . 13 . Despite the horrific loss of life and property and resulting hardships in the South , the ROK Government remains stable and even popular for succeeding in defeating the North . 14 . The South Koreans will begin a search for town mayors and technocrats to help operate and repair North Korea ’ s infrastructure and economy . Several unknown North Korean individuals are beginning to approach South Korean , American and Chinese soldiers , expressing grievances and seeking jobs , food and shelter , or indicating they have useful information to provide in exchange for new leadership roles , restitution of their previous jobs , or other benefits . 15 . WMDs are not yet fully secured . By design under the UNSCR , ROK , Chinese , U . S . and Russian forces are working together to find and secure CW artillery shells and other munitions as well as missiles and nuclear components . The missiles and WMD will all be stored on ROK territory until they are destroyed , per the UNSCR . The missiles and nuclear materials eventually will be shipped to Russia for dismantlement / destruction under IAEA monitoring , while the chemical weapons will be secured in place under OPCW monitoring until their elimination . 16 . Japan has offered significant reconstruction and development aid , as has Australia . China and Russia are pushing back against Japan ’ s requests to play a significant political role in North Korea , causing angst in Tokyo as the Japanese begin to assess the alterations to the regional balance of power in North East Asia . 17 . Of North Korea ’ s population of 25 million people , roughly 8.5 million are IDPs due to the destruction of their homes or lack of food , 1 million are refugees in South Korea , and 1 million are refugees in the Chinese buffer zone or in China .