Blames you for their problems
Humiliates you in front of friends, or even
when you're on your own
Calls you 'too sensitive' when you get upset
by negative comments
Tries to control your behaviour and your life
Doesn't support you and instead mocks you
Makes you question your sanity through
gas lighting . Ignores you repeatedly
Checks your phone/other methods
of communication
Accuses you repeatedly of cheating
Lacks respect for you and calls out
your mistakes
Belittles you and your accomplishments
Threatens to harm themselves if you
try to leave them
Repeatedly threatens to leave you, then
tells you they love you
Leaves you feeling low, anxious or
even suicidal
For many, the term 'abusive
relationship' will mean a
physically violent one. However,
verbally and mentally attacking
your partner is just as serious.
Someone abusing you in any
way is not okay, so if this sounds
like your, or anyone you knows
relationship then get out and
get safe.
If you are experiencing any of
these signs then please contact:
for advice and support.
It is important to speak out,
don't suffer in silence and
assume this is normal behaviour
it isn't. Relationships should
be mutually respectful and
supportive, and if yours isn't do
what is best for you and do what
you can to get out. The above
website offers resources that
will help you to do so whilst also
protecting you- don't fear how
your partner will react. Stay safe,
and recognise the red flags.