Pieces Of Me | Page 19

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 17 .
ELI I ’ ll do my best .
DR . REMINGTON You ’ ll have to and I hope you have a back-up plan because I doubt your clients will seek psychological advice from you ever again .
SOPHIE We ’ ll figure something out .
DR . REMINGTON I then give my approval for you to be discharged .
ELI That ’ s it ? I ’ m free to go ?
DR . REMINGTON Yes and no . I will still be monitoring your progress with weekly in-house consultations .
ELI I had a lapse in judgement . You don ’ t need to check up on me .
DR . REMINGTON The state says I do . And if you have a problem with that , well then you should have aimed a little a higher .
She and Sophie share a smile .
DR . REMINGTON ( CONT ' D ) Take good care of him , Sophie . I ’ ll page Dr . Morris to remove the dressing and have you discharged .
Thank you . Dr . Remington exits .
SOPHIE ( CONT ' D ) Yay ! We ’ re going home .
ELI ( sarcastic )
Great .