Pieces Of Me | Page 18

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 16 .
DR . REMINGTON Just because you ’ re a trained psychologist doesn ’ t mean you practice what you preach . Clearly . Suicide is for selfish cowards .
Sophie nods in agreement .
DR . REMINGTON ( CONT ' D ) Your wife died of natural causes ... unfair , but natural causes . And now your daughter is putting her education on hold for you . How fair is that ?
( a beat ) You ’ ve helped so many people . Why is it so hard for you to help yourself ?
ELI I don ’ t deserve it .
DR . REMINGTON Nobody likes a martyr , Dr . Mento . And if you thought life was hard before , just wait . Nothing will be the same for you - kids will point and stare , and adults are going to judge you , some silently , others won ’ t be so kind .
( a beat ) Your face will be your scarlet letter , and you need to be okay with that .
Eli is speechless . Nobody ’ s talked to him like that in years .
DR . REMINGTON ( CONT ' D ) Sorry . I know it ’ s hard to hear , but it ’ s the truth . Tough love is a bitch .
ELI You ’ re right .
DR . REMINGTON These next few weeks will be the hardest , but I have faith that you will follow all of our directions and start the healing process--
( points to her heart ) From the inside-out .