Pieces Of Me | Page 17

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 15 .
DR . REMINGTON You ’ ve got a good one .
( a beat ) Alright , Dr . Mento . How are you feeling ?
ELI I ’ m alive .
DR . REMINGTON Believe it or not , only 5 % of people survive a shotgun blow to the face . You ' re lucky .
ELI Funny . I don ’ t feel ... lucky .
DR . REMINGTON Maybe not now , but that can all change with a little perspective .
ELI Everyone keeps saying that ... I had my own reasons for ... pulling the trigger .
DR . REMINGTON And that is ?
ELI I ’ m alone .
DR . REMINGTON Your daughter is right here .
ELI Let me be a little more ... specific . My wife is dead .
Oh . ( a beat )
I ’ m so sorry .
SOPHIE Cancer ’ s a bitch .
DR . REMINGTON It is . Life isn ’ t fair .
ELI Cut the shit ... I know what you ’ re doing ... I don ’ t need your sympathy .