PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 6

Pro Insight 08 | Shooting Sports Inspiration 14 | Window Reflection Photography 44 | Jackie Mahoney, PicsArt’s Cubist Painter PicsArt In Action 20 | Big Changes are Just a Touch Away Tutorials 22 | Using Aperture to Your Advantage 28 | Creating an Overlay 36 | Fashion Sketches with PicsArt Drawing Tools 40 | Design a Spring Postcard with PicsArt What's New 52 | New Features for iOS Version of PicsArt 56 | Interview with Lily and Paolo Interview 64 | International Street Photographer Eric Kim Feature 74 | The World from the Edge of a Dock 76 | Safari Photo Kit 84 | DIY Hanger 86 | Vulnerable Humanity