PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 5

Welcome! It’s time to say goodbye to winter and hello to long-awaited spring! Celebrate the liveliest season with us by thawing out some of the hottest photography, art, and articles. This month, Lou Jones flexes his photography muscles in “Shooting Sports: the Thrill of Victory, the Agony of Defeat”. Pay close attention, because Lou’s wisdom in this piece was well-earned from having shot 12 consecutive Olympic games. We’ve also got our interview with international street photography sensation Eric Kim, in which we ask him about his approach to street photography. Hear from the best as you start spending more time out in the streets yourself in the warming spring weather. You’ll also read our travel photography piece on what to expect and how to prepare for a ride on an African safari with our Safari Photo Kit. That’s only a glimpse of this month’s lineup, which also demonstrates some amazing photography magic that you can achieve with PicsArt, and features engaging tutorials, magnificent visuals, and spotlights of some of the best users to emerge from the PicsArt community! Enjoy reading and feel free to send us your feedback at info@ @ma_lina Publisher: PicsArt Photo Studio PicsArt Monthly | 5