Pickleball Magazine 9-4 | Page 87

peanut butter , potatoes with skin , shredded wheat , soy beverage
• Calcium – Dairy products , dark leafy greens , fortified orange juice , sardines , tofu
• Sodium and Chloride – Salty foods that offer extra nutrients , like canned fish , cheese , salted nuts , vegetable juice , and whole-grain crackers .
Carbs and Protein , Please
It ’ s ideal to have carbohydrates and protein freshly onboard before matches begin . Carbs provide the energy needed for endurance , and protein helps repair muscle damage while you play .
Protein : Evidence shows that we may need as much as 1.6-1.8 grams of protein per kg of body weight on long tournament days . In the meal before your matches , aim for 20-30 grams of protein . Examples include :
• 1 cup of cottage cheese
• 3 tablespoons peanut butter on whole wheat with 8 oz . of milk
• 3 oz . tuna or turkey sandwich
Carbohydrates : Our bodies and brains prefer using carbohydrates for energy . A limited amount of carbohydrates can be stored in the muscles and liver , which you can achieve by carb loading in the days prior to the big day . Topping off before start time can help keep your paddle up and head in the game .
Aim for 1-4 grams / kg of body weight in the meal and snacks before tournament play . For example , a 70kg person would shoot for 70-280 grams of carbs in the hours before competition . Examples include :
• Whole grains like oatmeal , toast , or shredded wheat
• Fruit like bananas and berries
• Starchy plant foods like potatoes , beans , and lentils
• Carbohydrates from sports drinks
After winning that gold medal match , it ’ s tempting to reward yourself with favorite foods and beverages . While celebration is definitely in order , include foods that ’ ll help the body recover so you can beat your buddies in rec play next week .
Foods That Aid Recovery
Certain foods and macronutrients are recommended for optimal recovery . Consuming these post-game foods and drinks may make a difference in how you bounce back after your tournament .
• Rehydrate – Water and sports drinks can replenish fluids and electrolytes lost during the day . If your urine is darker than pale yellow , you likely need more liquid .
• High-Quality Protein – Protein may be the most immediate macronutrient needed for recovery . Try to eat 20-30 grams of high-quality protein within two hours of exercise to help your muscles recover . Good sources include beef , chicken , dairy , eggs , and fish .
• Carbohydrate Reload – Your carbohydrate stores will be depleted after endurance exercise . Replenish with complex carbohydrates like whole grains , fruit , and starchy vegetables .
• Red Juices – Beet , tart cherry , pomegranate , and watermelon juices each have unique properties that can help with recovery and may reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness ( DOMS ).
• Omega-3s – Omega-3 fatty acids may also help with DOMS . Walnuts , chia seeds , flax seeds , and fish may be good choices because of the protein and omega‐3s they provide .
Eating the right foods before and after tournaments is a recipe for success . With careful planning , picklers can keep energy levels up during play and speed recovery for future wins . See you on the courts , pickleball friends ! •
Pre-Pickle Frittata for One
Ingredients : 1 tablespoon avocado , canola , or chia seed oil 1 pre-cooked medium potato with skin , thinly sliced 1 cup raw spinach 1 oz . shredded cheddar cheese 2-3 eggs , lightly whisked ¼ cup milk Salt and pepper to taste
Directions :
Heat oil in a small cast-iron skillet . Sauté pre-cooked potatoes on medium-high until lightly browned . Add spinach and stir until slightly wilted . Spread potatoes and spinach evenly in the pan . Reduce heat to low .
Stir shredded cheese , whisked egg , and milk together in a small bowl . Pour egg mixture over potatoes and spinach . Give the pan a little shake to help egg mixture seep under the veggies .
Cover and gently cook on low until egg is cooked through and lightly browned on the bottom . Salt and pepper to taste .
Brandi Givens has been a registered dietitian since 2010 . Questions or comments can be posted to her blog at brandigivensrd . com .

Brandi ’ s Kitchen