Pickleball Magazine 9-4 | Page 86

in the kitchen with brandi by BRANDI GIVENS RD
in the kitchen with brandi by BRANDI GIVENS RD



Picklers of all levels have one major thing in common lately : their competition is getting tough . From 3.0 ’ s to pros , the medals are going to athletes who focus on fitness off the court in addition to practice and drilling . And as with all sports , attention to what you eat on competition day can add the extra spin you need to win .
Here are some evidence-based nutrition ideas to try before and after a long day of tournament play .
Food gives us the energy needed to pickle . But because we aren ’ t designed to digest under stress , most people have tummy trouble if they eat too much just before a big match . But how much is too much , and what if the tournament starts early in the morning ? The following timing guide may help you plan your calories , depending on how early you start your day .
Water for the Win
Many athletes are dehydrated even before stepping on the court . That ’ s not good , since deprivation means our bodies can ’ t optimally get oxygen to brain cells , cushion joints , regulate temperature , avoid cramping , and make the neurotransmitters needed to insta-decide on a lob , drop , or drive .
In the hours before you hit the court , try drinking 5-10mL / kg of your body weight . For example , a player weighing 70kg should drink 350-700mL ( 12-24 oz .) of water 2-4 hours before start time . Choose sports drinks with electrolytes any time you will be heavily sweating for more than an hour .
Electrolytes Up
Start of Tourney When to Finish Eating Recommendation Example
Later Start Time Ex : Start at Noon
Earlier Start Time Ex : Start at 10 a . m .
Very Early Start Time Ex : Start at 7 a . m .
3-4 hours prior Ex : Finish by 9 a . m .
1.5-3 hours prior Ex : Finish by 8:30 a . m .
30 min . -1.5 hours prior Ex : Finish by 6:30 a . m .
Bigger Meal * 450-1,000 calories
Smaller Meal 250-450 calories
Hearty Snack ** 120-250 calories
* If you finish a big meal 3-4 hours before exercise , have a high-carb snack about 30 min . before start time . ** If game time is very early , try to eat a larger , high-protein and carbohydrate meal the night before .
Get ahead of the game by choosing electrolyte-rich foods in your pre-tournament meals and betweengame snacks . Good sources include :
• Potassium – Bananas , cantaloupe , dark leafy greens , kefir , kiwifruit , oranges , pomegranates , prune and tomato juices , sweet and white potatoes , yogurt
• Magnesium – Almonds , black and edamame beans , cashews , chia and pumpkin seeds , peanuts and
Spinach , Cheese & Potato Frittata 1 banana , 1 cup orange juice , 1 slice whole-wheat toast w / honey Protein : 26g , Carbs : 130 , Calories : 772
½ cup oatmeal cooked in 1 cup skim milk , ¼ cup almonds , ½ apple Protein : 22g , Carbs : 57g , Calories : 447
½ banana and ½ peanut butter sandwich Protein : 8g , Carbs : 37g , Calories : 250