Size / Calories in Meal Recommended Timing Sample Meal Suggestions for Easy Digestion
Large meal : 450-800 kcals Finish breakfast 3-4 hours prior . Ex : Start time 12 noon , eat by 9 a . m .
Medium meal : 250-450 kcals Finish breakfast 1.5-3 hours prior . Ex : Start time 10 a . m ., eat by 8:30 a . m .
Small meal : 100-250 kcals Finish breakfast 30 min . -1.5 hours prior . Ex : Start time 8 a . m ., eat by 7:30 a . m .*
energy bars . And too much caffeine , including energy drinks , may contribute to unscheduled bathroom breaks and dehydration ; try to finish that coffee at least two hours prior to your event .
* Fueling up with a highcarbohydrate , easily digestible meal the night before a tournament is especially important with an early start time . Eating well the night before is good practice regardless of start time .
½ cup rolled oats cooked in 1 cup soy beverage with ¼ cup walnuts and ¼ cup dried tart cherries , 2 boiled eggs ( 675 kcals )
1 English muffin , 6 oz . plain Greek yogurt , ½ cup blueberries , 1 boiled egg ( 390 kcals )
½ cup grits cooked in milk , ½ medium banana ( 250 kcals )
Bickering Over Breakfast Benefits The 2021 breakfast trend is not without controversy , especially with the growing popularity of timerestricted eating for weight loss . Breakfast has long been regarded as the most important meal of the day , but newer systematic reviews of research show that its value is debatable . If you ’ re wondering whether you should skip the morning meal , here are questions you might consider first :
Will you make poor choices later if you skip breakfast now ? Sometimes people skip breakfast only to pull into a donut shop two hours later , suddenly overwhelmed by hunger . In this case , eating a well-planned breakfast would better support nutrition and weight loss goals .
Are you hungry when you first wake ? Skipping breakfast may be perfectly healthy as long as nutrient needs are being met without it . Many people simply do not have early morning hunger cues . However , these individuals might consider analyzing their appetites . If you ’ re snacking mindlessly or drinking late at night , closing the kitchen earlier may shift your hunger timing , leading to healthier food choices overall .
Can you get the nutrients you need if you skip breakfast ? A well-planned breakfast at home can be a great opportunity to get nutrients from healthy foods like whole grains , fruit , and vegetables that may get missed during the uncertainties of the remaining day .
Will you miss your third-shot drops if you skip breakfast ? This is , of course , the most important question . Skipping a meal may lead to weakness , irritability , and lightheadedness , all of which can result in a less-thanperfect game . •
Brandi Givens has been a registered dietitian since 2010 . Questions or comments can be posted to her blog :
www . brandigivensrd . com .