health & nutrition
By Brandi Givens , RD
Now Trending — Reset Your Breakfast
Right along with drop
serves , “ breakfast overhaul ” is set to be a top trend for 2021 . The grocery stores will be flowing with fun foods to try , and your favorite foodie websites are sure to revamp old recipes . If you ’ re jumping on the breakfast bandwagon , why not boost nutritional value as well ? Here are some ideas for morning meal enrichment .
Add more veggies to your life
• Sauté onions , garlic , kale , spinach , leeks , bok choy or mushrooms into your egg scramble .
• Throw a handful of spinach , kale , cooked beets or carrots into your fruit smoothie .
• Increase your hash value by adding asparagus or shredded squash to plain potatoes .
Eat oats , the gold medalist of whole grain
• Choose old-fashioned rolled oats or steel-cut for their heartier texture and digestive benefits .
• Cook oats using milk or soy beverage instead of water to enrich taste and nutritional value .
• Add crunch factor with walnuts or pumpkin seeds , and sweetness with dried or fresh fruit .
• Cooked oats texture not your thing ? Try rolled oats uncooked with cold milk , or mix into yogurt .
Feed your “ good ” gut bacteria by adding some prebiotics
• Bananas , apples , onions , garlic , flax seed meal
Boost your omega-3
• Sprinkling in flax seed meal or chia seeds adds nutrition without changing the flavor of a dish .
• Spending extra on eggs that boast higher omega-3 content is an investment in health .
Troubleshooting Tournament-Day Breakfast Timing breakfast can be tricky on tournament days . Many players don ’ t eat well just before start time because of nerves and concern with stomach upset . But being low on fuel can negatively impact overall performance . If you want to take your tournament success to the next level , try tracking trial foods well before the big day to see what works best for you . The ideal pre-tournament meal should be easily digestible and carbohydrate-rich . The following chart may be helpful as you experiment with what works best for you .
Keep in mind that certain foods can contribute to stomach discomfort during play . On tourney day , as your start time approaches , you ’ ll want to avoid high-fat foods , high-fiber foods , spicy foods , artificial sweeteners , and gas-producing foods . Avoid trying foods new to you just for convenience , including processed breakfast or