Pickleball Magazine 5-3 WD | Page 17

‘WE WILL SURVIVE’ COVID-19 FUNDRAISER By Morgan Evans “Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable”—Kenyan Proverb It’s during dark times that people support one another most—they band together and succeed where an individual would fail. Right now, we’re seeing this around the world. People have come up with innovative ideas to help and creative ideas to entertain and show generosity toward each other that only a real crisis can inspire. I’m proud to be part of the fundraising collaboration between CoachME Pickleball, Pickleball Rocks and Selkirk Sport. The “We Will Survive” t-shirt started with a simple poem, a message of hope. The feeling of helplessness and confusion forced pen to paper but that wasn’t enough. I recorded the words and contacted my good friend Steve Taylor who added music and words, bringing the piece real gravity. Rodney Grubbs from Pickleball Rocks saw the video and felt strongly that the message would resonate with people around the world. We agreed that 100 percent of the proceeds from the sale of the “We Will Survive” t-shirts would go to the Centre of Disaster Philanthropy COVID-19 Response Fund. This fund is focusing on support for nonprofit organizations working directly to respond to the pandemic among vulnerable populations, in turn helping build their capacity for response. From frontline workers to people who have been affected by the virus, the CDP is making a difference and we are honored to be raising funds for them. Please visit pickleballrocks.com to order your t-shirt to help the fight against Covid-19. • NEW ONLINE CERTIFICATION FOR PICKLEBALL TOURNAMENTS Professional Pickleball Registry (PPR) announced the launch of a new online certification course in partnership with PickleballTournaments.com. The certification workshop covers every aspect of organizing and running pickleball tournaments, including complete setup, player registration, bracketing, scheduling and tournament desk operations. Additional essentials in the workshop include forecasting daily schedules, identifying giveaways, T-shirt reports, player check-ins, handling court assignments, recording match results, UTPR calculations and more. The workshop, with 29 distinct lessons in four modules, can be completed at the users’ pace to accommodate their schedule and ability to absorb the information. For only $99, PPR members who complete the workshop will be a Certified Registration and Desk Operations Manager. To register, visit pprpickleball.org. “We are so excited to launch this Registration and Desk Operations Certification program through our partnership with PPR,” said Melissa McCurley, President, PickleballTournaments.com. “This certification will help ensure that tournament directors are set up for success to run highly efficient events by having knowledgeable support in managing their on-site tournament desk operations.” For more than a decade, PickleballTournaments.com, the leading tournament management software and the gold standard for running pickleball tournaments, has been the engine driving thousands of successful pickleball events, from small round robins to the largest tournaments in the world. In 2019, PPR and PickleballTournaments.com entered a partnership, bringing together the leaders in coach education certification and running tournaments. • JUNE/JULY 2020 | MAGAZINE 15