Pickleball Magazine 5-3 WD | Page 16

dinks What’s News in Pickleball USA PICKLEBALL ASSOCIATION BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT SUZANNE GUERIN Suzanne Guerin came to love the sport of pickleball when she moved to Colorado in early 2013. A native New Yorker and resident of Manhasset, Long Island, for 55 years, she relocated to Broomfield, CO, when her first husband passed away and her two children (daughter, 36, and son, 34) moved to Los Angeles. “My priorities changed when my husband passed,” she recalls. “Prior to this, I was the typical ‘Type A’ personality—working six days a week and at a high point in my career. I had just met the President in the Oval Office and had closed two major gifts for the Helen Keller National Center, but I knew I needed a more balanced and healthier life.” Trading New York’s fastpaced lifestyle for Colorado’s laid-back lifestyle was an easy decision for her. She resumed her love of skiing, took up hiking, snowshoeing and—pickleball! Suzanne credits pickleball for jumpstarting her new life and introducing her to like-minded pickleball enthusiasts who are now dear friends. “I didn’t know anyone when I moved to Colorado, so rotating in and out of games at the local pickleball courts was a great way to meet people,” she says. “This social aspect of pickleball is what I love most about the sport.” In 2018 Suzanne married Paul Guerin. Among their shared interests, which include their grandchildren, riding motorcycles and golf, they are also pickleball partners. Suzanne and Paul both lost spouses, so they understand the importance of enjoying every moment. Following this wisdom, they retired from their busy work lives and now divide their time between Broomfield and Naples, FL, where they enjoy all the activities they love. Professionally, Suzanne has spent more than 30 years in the nonprofit sector, 19 of them at the Helen Keller National Center in Port Washington, NY. She’s a thought leader and advocate for the deafblind community, which includes older adults who are losing vision and hearing through aging, and co-founded Deafblind Citizens in Action, a national nonprofit. Suzanne believes volunteerism is one of the most significant contributions one can make to society, so she continues to volunteer as a fundraiser for the nonprofit she started, and she regularly volunteers as a mentor in the newly established tiered referee training program. Looking to the future, Suzanne is excited to join the USA Pickleball board of directors where she hopes her skills as a nonprofit executive and fundraiser will contribute to the growth of the organization and lead to the establishment of a philanthropic foundation. • 14 TO SUBSCRIBE, CALL 888.308.3720 OR GO TO THEPICKLEBALLMAG.COM