Pickleball Magazine 4-5 WD | Page 62

Youth Pickleball Playbook now available IVOR SURV urt Co ers per 6-8 Play OVE R the net line up at ay in players inners st ditional r. The w court. Ad he e ot th ch of amps. ainst ea th sides ch ag e bo ts th in on e e po leng set up t of thre in to chal Players ay two ou s rotate ayers pl net post post. Pl g at the ers waitin ay pl e and th THE LINE DIN K Dink b ack an d fort 20 Create a dynamic program in any recreational setting! Includes fun games, skill activities, play rotations and play manager tips. Partne rs imagin stand appro ary lin ximate dink b e between th ly 10 feet a ack an part w ith a li d forth em. Partne rs ne or using short c work togeth ontroll e ed swin r and gs. 12 Get your copy now! Also includes a set of laminated activity cards. www.usapa.org/recplay-resources/ h