Physicians Office Resource Volume 8 Issue 04 | Page 3

FEATURED PRODUCT LipidPlus® Lipid Profile and Glucose Measuring System LipidPlus® offers a convenient, accurate and costeffective way to screen your patients for lipid disorders and help manage their treatment. LipidPlus® panels include Total Cholesterol, HDL- Cholesterol, Triglycerides and LDL- Cholesterol (calculated). Only a small sample of capillary whole blood is required, with results provided in 2 minutes. Lipid and glucose strips and controls may be stored at room temperature. Both the analyzer and optional printer are small, portable and battery-operated. The LipidPlus® System is FDA 510(k) cleared, CLIA-waived and CRMLN Certified. #9201 View Brochures, Videos & More at: (Search #9201) TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 8 - Issue 4 From the Publisher Page 4 Medical Apps: Pocket to Practice Page 9 by Dylan J. Chadwick (POR Staff Writer) Ask the Expert: Assessing Quality in Your Lab Page 15 by Barry Craig, MLT (NCA), CLC Physicians Office Resource News Briefs Selected by the POR Editorial Board ➡ CDC: Measles on Upswing Despite Vaccines‘ Effectiveness Page 21 ➡ AAFP Provides Tips to Address Patients‘ Vaccine Concerns Page 21 ➡ Cannabis May Cause Heart Problems in Young Adults Page 22 ➡ Educational Changes Suggested for Patient-Centered Medicine Page 22 ➡ FDA Proposes Accelerated Medical Device Approval Plan Page 23 Testing Recommendations Ensure More Patients Are Linked to Hepatitis C Treatment Page 31 by POR Editorial Board 3