Philosophically Speaking: Annals of the International Philosophy Grou Philosophical-Annals-II-2017 | Page 19
Of Mind and Money: Post-Scarcity Economics and Human Nature
conversion, 35 antimatter[xxxvi], 37 and zero-point energy 38 ).
Coincident with the science and technology trends outlined above, researchers studying
spatial models of complex systems found that genetically-programmed mortality, while not
benefitting individuals, in certain cases results in long-term benefit to the local population by
reducing local environmental resource depletion. While noting that intrinsic mortality is not
favored for long-range spatial mixing or if resources are unlimited, the paper 39 does not
actually suggest that post-scarcity results in immortality. However, the open question is
whether post-scarcity might support a human-induced genetic adaptation that would modify
the scarcity-based evolutionary default of aging and limited lifespan – potentially to the point
of immortality.
Despite the utopian nature of a post-scarcity economy, however, the transition to a global
post-scarcity environment without human nature being universally optimized not only
virtually guarantees it being rejected and prevented by capitalist interests, but also carries with
it the potential for a new generation of criminal activity corresponding to the technologies
described above– that is, reputation spoofing, false demand process interruption, genome
hacking, neural theft, robotic telepresence hijacking, blind quantum communication capture,
induced entanglement decoherence, and Artificial General Intelligence cracking. These, of
course, will necessitate a corrective response, which will simply replicate our current
environment in a more advanced technological context.
For these reasons, it would be wise to stage the transition such that elevating human nature is
accomplished prior to attempting to construct a post-scarcity economy.
Revolution through Evolution
Einstein was correct about capitalism but missed the mark on human nature
In a medical model, our myriad problems can be seen as symptoms of a central