Philosophically Speaking: Annals of the International Philosophy Grou Philosophical-Annals-I-2016 | Page 52

Israelowitz M ambiguity of the creator and the interpretation. 133 The law is supported by his internal violence, and the ambiguity created the support of the violence, not just by legalize violence. 134 The law is set to force, created, Derrida. 135 When Israel requested from Samuel a king, Samuel consul again, Samuel argument, he will tax you, will take your daughters and send your sons to war. 136,137 Pirket Avot the distrust of Authority: Watch out government: they befriend a person to meet their own needs. 138 Since it’s the power of the state, representing an interest of the power holder enforce the violence, the apostasy of Derrida. Kalevi, exposed Biosemiotics as intentionality and physical world, meaning the interpretation, 139,140 in Derida the interpretation of the text—but text is just in the symbol, analytic symbol in the internal logical consistence in the creations abstraction of pat