Philosophically Speaking: Annals of the International Philosophy Grou Philosophical-Annals-I-2016 | Page 43

Derrida, Kabbalah, Talmud and the Post-Modernism Politics Traditionally, the Kabbalah contextualize in fourth traditions, maaese berishit (creation), 48 maese merkava , 49 ecstasy kabbalah, 50 Ma'asit or practical Kabbalah 51 , as the equivalent to the name of G-D (YHVH). 52 While the events of maase bereshit, the Garden of Eden is given a physical location a historical context and location is now begin to investigated, despite the historical fog, David Rohl, give an actual location to the mythology 53 and context of the Mesopotamia mythology. 54 while there is a prohibition to learn alone or individual since in the ascending, being in the Sefirot can let to idolatry. The tradition is found in death scrolls 48 Maaseh Berishit reference to creation, specially the light and the contraction, Bahir 25 and Bahir 54 49 Maaset Merkabah explanation is found in Timo Eskola, Messiah and the Throne: Jewish Merkabah Mysticism and Early Exaltation Discourse Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck (2001) 50 Idel doctor work about Abulafia and in The Mystical Experience in Abraham Abulafia, 1987, Suny Series in Antropology of Work, and Studies in Ecstatic Kabbalah 1988, (Suny Series in Judaica) (Suny Series in Buddhist Studies, described different Meditated and physical technique to attach to the spirit of God, while to have prophesy the Arc needed to be in Temple, in least way to attach to the spirit of God is the low form of Prophesy as mention in the book of Daniel, where though Angles, but not higher beings (Animals and the Wheels mention in Ezequiel, will tell about the higher plane) 51 Ma'asit is mentioned in historical texts, but most Kabbalists have taught that the use of it is forbidden, Rabbi Chaim Vital. Keys to True Prophecy: Practical Kabbala Today. The manipulation was discouraged in the Talmud, W. Gunther Plaut, David E. Stein. The Torah: A Modern Commentary 2004, Union for Reform Judaism. Practical Kabbalah date include the making of amulets and other folk remedies using the esoteric names of angels, Elber, Mark. The Everything Kabbalah Book: Explore This Mystical Tradition--From Ancient Rituals to Modern Day Practices, 2006 pp -137. Adams Media. The manipulations of the name gave the Baal Shem Tov, his name Ginsburgh, Yitzchak. Are Amulets Considered Practical Kabbalah? from Books which included in this tradition Sefer Raziel HaMalakh, The likely compiler of the medieval version is Eleazer of Worms, as Sefer Galei Razia, the book consisted 5 sections some of it in the form of a mystical Midrash on Creation. It features an elaborate angelology, magical uses of the zodiac, gematria, names of God, protective spells, and a method of writing magical healing amulets a book six of the Liber Razielis is based on the Sefer ha-Razim, Book of Secrets, with various additions including the Prayer of Adam of Sefer Adam: Adam in his prayer to God, apologized for listening to his wife Eve ‫הוח‬, who was deceived by the snake into eating from the Tree of Knowledge - the ‫ץע‬ ‫תעדה‬, according to the Book of Raziel, God sent the highest of the Angels, Raziel, to teach Adam the spiritual laws of nature and life on earth, including the knowledge of the planets, stars and the spiritual laws of creation. The Angel Raziel also taught Adam the knowledge of the power of speech, the power of thoughts and the power of a person's soul within the confines of the physical body and this physical world, basically teaching the knowledge with which one can harmonize physical and spiritual existence in this physical world. The Angel Raziel teaches the power of speech, the energy contained within the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, their combinations and meanings of names. 52 Jewish mystical Tradition the used of fourth is found in from the Torah interpretation mention in the Zohar : Peshat (‫טשפ‬ ) (simple): the direct interpretations of meaning. Remez (‫)רמז‬ , (hints): the allegoric meanings (through allusion). Derash (‫דרש‬ ), (inquire or seek): midrashic (Rabbinic) meanings, often with imaginative comparisons with similar words or verses. Sod (Hebrew: ‫דוד‬ ), (secret or mystery): the inner, esoteric (metaphysical) meanings, Jacobs, Joseph; Broydé, Isaac. Zohar. Jewish Encyclopedia. Funk & Wagnalls Company. Four men entered pardes—Ben Azzai, Ben Zoma, Acher (Elisha ben Abuyah), and Akiba. Ben Azzai looked and died— Maaset Merkabah; Ben Zoma looked and went mad- Maaseh Berishi ; Acher destroyed the plants-- Ma'asit; Akiba entered in p