Derrida , Kabbalah , Talmud and the Post-Modernism Politics
Israelowitz M
Derrida , Kabbalah , Talmud and the Post-Modernism Politics
By Meir Israelowitz
Porpola 40 , propose the origins of Kabbalah on the line Scholem 41 historical origins of the Kabbalah . Porpola shows a direct connection of the Assyrian Tree of life to the Sefirot , 42 in the tradition the Sefirot described in the Book of Creation 43 and the Bahir , 44 the description of the Adam Kadmon , 45 the theoretical men of Genesis , while Kabbalah itself is connected to Hebrew tradition , the Torah , 46 and prophet books especially the book of Ezequiel . 47
40 Porpola S , 1993 . The Assyrian Tree of Life : Tracing the origin of Jewish Monotheism and Greek Philosophy ,
Journal Near Eastern Studies 52 : 161-208 . Porpola first explain the use of the Assyrians of the tree of life in pp- 162 , Gods hierarchy representation , in pp-165 cover the basic symbolism and concept of the tree of life and pp- 169 the Sefirot concept tree of live , in figure show the correspondence not only to the world of Sefirot , but other mystical traditions , Tatrans . In page pp-169 correlated the Assyrian Gods to the hierarchy of the Sefirot , Porpola acknowledge not trace in cuneiform , but in the Palace and temples walls the significance — show in pp-183 direct of the walls British museum : The same description in page 186 is related to the Kabbalah concept of the Adam ha Kadmon , the gematria applied in Kabbalh mention in the book of Creation 1:1 , is found tree of life of the Assyrians pp-180 . The epic Gilgamesh as a classic application of the tree of life , other example is the Etana myth of men acceding to the heaven using eagles , but each heave was a place of the Gods , and the equivalence to the Sefirot . 41 Gershon Shalom in Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism 1941 , crystalize his view of Kabbalah Analysis — the
Jewish Mysticism cannot be separated from historical context , in the line Hegel views in history of Philosophy and Gegengeschichte of Nietzsche . 42 Porpola in pp-171 , The Assyrian Tree of Life : Tracing the origin of Jewish Monotheism and Greek
Philosophy , the sticking similarity between them . 43 The Book Creation : In theory and practice , Translation and commentary by Aryeh Kaplan , 1990 , Samuel Weiser , Inc , York Beach , Maine 44 The Bahir is one of the oldest text and first published in 1176 in province , but the book while is 12,000 words
is known and ascribed to Rabbi Nehunian ben HaKana , as mention was known Natroani Gaon ( 794-861 ) and Hai Gaon ( 939-1038 ), the book itself is divided in five sections , the first section deal with creation , the second the alphabet , the third seven voices and sefirot , fourth the ten sefirot and the last the soul . A fundamental concept is self-contraction of g-d light , The Bahir Translation by Aryeh Kapaln , reprint 1990 , Samuel Weiser , Inc , York Beach Maine . 45 Adam ha kadmon best description in the Zohar , the section of Rose , where the Adam ha Kadmon is correlated
to the Sefirot . 46 The Zohar is section to weekly reading of the Torah . 47 The book Ezequiel , itself the Chariot is found hekhalot ( palaces ) literature , concerning stories of ascents to
the heavenly palaces and the Throne of God , the work is found late Hellenistic period Heichalot texts are found Hekhalot Zutartey ( The Lesser Palaces ), which details an ascent of Rabbi Akiva ; Hekhalot Rabbati ( The Greater Palaces ), or Pirkei Hekhalot , which details an ascent of Rabbi Ishmael ; Maaseh Merkabah ( Account of the Chariot ), a collection of hymns recited by the descenders and heard during their ascent ; Merkavah Rabba ( The great Chariot ): Sepher Hekhalot ( Book of Palaces , also known as 3 Enoch ),