Philomath v01 February 2016 | Page 16




Ever get bleach on your hand and have to go through that annoying soapy feeling? Before you go bombarding your hand with soap and water try pouring a cork full of vinegar unto your hand or squeezing lime juice unto the affected area. The acidic properties of these common household items work to neutralize the sodium hypochlorite in bleach, which makes it highly basic, forming salt and water. Plus lime smells amazing on your skin.

Ever cracked open a rotten egg? If you’re like me you know how nasty of an eggsperience that is! But good news!

Here's how to know which eggs are good:

Start by filling a bowl with cold water and place the egg inside, if it sinks to the bottom it is good, if it sinks but stands on its point (small tip) it is still edible but won’t remain so for long. If it floats then toss it! This works because old eggs will have lost a lot of the liquid on the inside, evaporating through their porous shell—causing the egg to float instead of sink




life Hacks