Philippine Asian News Today Vol 20 No 21 | Page 12

BUSINESS NEWS 12 PHILIPPINE ASIAN NEWS TODAY November 1 - 15, 2018 Repeal of discriminatory health labour laws to help restore fairness, stability to health care, says HEU Bill 29 led to the firing of thou- sands of health care workers and mass privatization of health care services The 49,000-member Hospi- tal Employees’ Union is welcoming the B.C. government’s move to re- peal Gordon Campbell-era laws that stripped health care workers’ collec- tive agreements of job security provi- sions and excluded them from the full protection of provincial labour laws. As a result, thousands of health care workers – mostly women – were fired as health authorities contracted out hospital cleaning, food services, laundry and other support services. Thousands more were laid off by nursing home operators who sub- contracted care and support staff – and flipped those contracts – in a bid to keep wages low and bust union collective agreements. “Fragmentation of health care delivery, the disruption of care rela- tionships, and more precarious and lower paid work is the direct result of these mean-spirited laws,” says HEU secretary-business manager Jennifer Whiteside. “Repealing these laws is a giant step towards restoring justice and fair- ness for health care workers and re- pairing the damage that’s been done to health care delivery.” Bill 29 – the Health and Social Services Delivery Improvement Act – was rammed through the legisla- ture, without notice, one weekend in January 2002, despite a pre-election promise by former premier Gordon Campbell that he would not tear up health care contracts. Similar legislation adopted in 2003, the Health Sector Partnerships Agreement Act (Bill 94), gave care home operators and their subcon- tractors the ability to sidestep key pro- visions of the labour code, and avoid restrictions on their ability to contract out care and support services. In 2007, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the provisions of Bill 29, including those that nullified job security protections against con- tracting out were unconstitutional, and in doing so established collec- tive bargaining as a charter-protected right for all workers. By that time, nearly 10,000 workers had been fired as a result of the law. The vast majority of those im- pacted were women. And racialized women were disproportionately af- fected by the legislation. In 2008, the B.C. government rescinded provisions of Bill 29 and Bill 94 that had been ruled unconsti- WWW.PHILIPPINEASIANNEWSTODAY.COM tutional. But both laws continued to exclude health care workers from key provisions of the B.C. Labour Rela- tions Code, including successor rights and common employer declarations. Bill 47 – the Health Sector Stat- utes Repeal Act – repeals both bills, effective early next year, and will be implemented through regulation after consultation with sector stakehold- ers.