Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine Issue 5 | Page 7

Harm None, that means you

Another look at the Wiccan Rede

Bide the Wiccan Law ye must

In perfect love and perfect trust

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill

An' ye harm none, do what ye will

What ye send forth comes back to thee.

So ever mind the Law of Three.

Follow this with mind and heart.

This is a section of the Wiccan Rede. These beautiful words were first made public by Doreen Valiente in 1964. This was one of the first pieces of literature I read when first learning about Paganism. As I am sure that is the case for many people. This message really hit me hard, because at that point in my life I was not kind to myself mentally or physically. When I first read the Rede I was 19 years old and at that moment I knew my life was going to change greatly. Before I learned how to cast a circle, dress a candle, or study the Elements: I learned, Harm None. That includes myself. Be mindful of the next set of line: "What ye send forth comes back to thee. So ever mind the Law of Three. That of course means that the type of energy you put out there in the world, it will return to you in three times fold. So, imagine if you are not being kind to yourself and putting out that type of energy out into the Universe. Imagine the three times fold energy that is coming back to you. Imagine the state of your mind, body, and spirit due to you treating yourself poorly.

Learning to treat myself with the same kindness that I treat others is why Paganism was brought into my life. Everyone has a different experience when they are first learning about Paganism and Witchcraft. I truly believe that I was called to this path to be aware and learn more about my gifts and purpose in the Universe, and realize my own personal power.

I do advise that if you choose to follow and live by the Rede Harm None, do as ye will; remember that includes yourself.