Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine Issue 5 | Page 5

Most investigators walk down old, dark corridors to get a glance what the world that lurks behind the veil. The Arrowhead Paranormal Team has gone to locations where they did not pick up any kind of evidence to present to the client. When that happens Chad calls up another team to head out to investigate. There are have been times that the second teams were not able to gather any evidence either. It is not fair to the client to say that they are attention seeking or exaggerating the experiences that they have had. The paranormal world is very unpredictable and will not show itself just because it is asked to do so. In the very difficult cases it is amazing to have Justin involved. Justin is a non Native American investigator of the team and a gifted medium. Chad shared with me a fascinating experience he had while at location and gives a clue to the shadow world that we seeking out.

Chad explains how just the thought of seeing things and people in the spirit world would freak him out. Especially this instance above. It also sparked his curiosity enough to ask Justin, what kind of things he sees in the spirit realm. Chad discussed what Justin shared with him:

“He told me that it is like the movie Predator. That what he said some of the spirits look like. Others look like every day people and I times he doesn’t realized right away that they are spirits unless they do something to show that.”

In Arrowhead Paranormal’s experiences many of the spirits that they encounter are not aware that they had passed and are why they stay in the locations in which they died. Chad shared another event in which Justin was able to help the spirits of two mentally ill brothers’ crossover.

“In New London, Connecticut a woman was not kind to her two mentally ill boys and kept them in the basement. They didn’t understand that it was time for them to pass on. We pulled the records and found that this happened back in the 30’s. The boys were extremely mean and volatile; it is thought that their mother was the death of them. So, it was almost like they had been trapped in time. Justin, whom doesn’t scare at all would not go down stairs, I had to force him down stairs. I was like 'Justin, you got to go down there. This woman is scared to death.’ Justin response to Chad is 'So, what! I’m scared too.’ Chad insisted that he had to go down into the basement which he finally did go. Chad went down with him and explained Justin’s interactions with these two boys. Justin told him, 'They’re mean and they don’t know that they are dead. You can’t talk to them like other spirits because they are mentally challenged. You can’t tell them to just pass over.” So, Justin actually ended up explaining to them very nicely that they couldn’t continue doing what they were doing and they did end up passing over. They family is now at rest. That is nice. “