Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine Issue 1 | Page 20

Easy Peasy Soul Cakes

Soul cakes are small cakes or tarts that are made as an offering to the dead of All Hallows Eve/All Saints Day/ All Souls day. This interesting honoring of the dead was first recorded to be practiced in Britain or Ireland during the Middles Ages by Christians. Today this tradition still lives on in many regions around the world and is now often used during the Pagan celebration of Samhain. During the time of the Middle Ages these cakes were not only a gift for the dead but also a gift for the "souler" (usually children and the poor) whom would go door to door singing and saying prayers. This could be one origin story for today's practice of Trick - or - Treating. If you are interested in participating in this tradition no matter your faith I am here to share a simple recipe that only takes about 20 minutes total to prepare and bake.

Need: 1 package of unbaked refrigerated pie crust

1lb bag of frozen Triple Berry fruit mix


Pre heat the oven for 350 degrees.

First step is to place both pieces of pie crust on top of eat other. Us a rolling pin to make the two pieces stick together and flatten out a bit. Use a round cookie cutter to cut out the pie crust. Spray a muffin pan with cooking or baking spray. Place each cut round pie crust piece in each slot of the muffin pan. Now, pour about half the bag of frozen berries into a large bowl. Pour honey over the berries so they are all evenly coated with honey. Drain any extra juice from the berries. Use a tablespoon to add the berries to the muffin pans. It is optional to add another round pie crust on top of your berries if you like.

Place the muffin pan in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes let them cool for about 10 minutes.