The Eyeless Boy...Completed
that really didn't explain what had just happened but it was the best I could come up with. I was young and at the time really didn't understand what I had just experienced. To this day I really don't know what had happened. I've asked various gifted people through out the years and have yet to be given a clear answer.
My poor mother was at a loss as to what to tell me. I've had little experiences in the past with such things and she had always believed me. To this day she remembers that night and what I had told her. She did not have that experience but she says she can clearly see in her mind the look of confusion on my face and the shock in my voice. Not to mention my sudden outburst of what I had seen. It was not my normal behavior to interrupt adults talking and had calm and quiet the whole time we stood there. Wow, I was such a good kid. So, did not hesitate to believe that I did see something out of the ordinary. The only thing she could think to say to me at the time; "Are they hurting you? Are the scaring you? I answered negative to both questions. She then continued to say; "You leave them alone and they will leave you alone." Sound advice really, though I don't follow it to much. I've never had a truly negative or terrifying paranormal experience so far.
I still continue to research and ask those whom are more knowledgeable than I am as to what it is I saw that night. I'm unsure to say it was a ghost of any kind because he was corporal and seemed to be made up of skin, blood, and bone. I may never fully understand what I had experienced. This world is a strange one and there are still mysteries to uncovered.