A Letter from the Phenomena Encountered Family
Greetings, Everyone! First of all, the Phenomena Encounter Radio Network would like to say thank you for all the positive feedback and new subscribers for the Pilot Issue of the magazine. Putting together this magazine really is a labor of love and we are all very pleased that many have enjoyed the content. It will always changing and evolving as we become proficient with the creation, layouts, and software used to make it. Our mission with Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine is to create a source not just for education and entertainment; but also a community where stories, experiences, and paranormal evidence to be shared. It is our hope and desire to reach out to paranormal research teams to be featured and share their work. In short, we wish to build a community of paranormal researcher, enthusiast, and skeptics a like. Only with all of our efforts put together will Paranormal Research be brought out of the stigma of pseudo science.
It is our intention to keep Phenomena Encountered: The Magazine a free subscription. What we are going to be trying to do first is obtain advisement and sponsors for the Radio Network and The Magazine. The money that we receive this way will go towards getting rid of the annoying ad pop ups from Joomag.com, upgrading the software to improve the quality of the magazine, and better radio equipment for the radio show hosts. We have also created a Patreon page for those who wish to support the Network. Here is the Patreon link:https://www.patreon.com/PhenomenaEncountered or click the Patreon icon below. We understand that money donations are not always possible. However, sharing our content on social media and giving our videos on YouTube a thumbs up does greatly help an dsupport the Phenomena Encountered Radio Network. We thank you for your continuing support,.