PQ APRIL 2014 | Issue 06
receive. If a dispensing pharmacist has to call a
keeping with th
written with excellence. Prescribe like a
conference. I encourage students to share their
expertise with others when they get into practice.
What other professional issues are you passionate
Teaching and mentoring, Karen. Over the years
numerous 4th year students and
pharmacy residents. Many of my peers at the RAH
Thank you Brent! That was both encouraging and
informative. I will definitel
informal arrangements as well. I even had a high
school student job-‐shadow me and she actually
went on to become a pharmacist! I have also been
involved on the administrative and mentoring
Program for 3rd year students. This is a great
program. The 3rd year protégés get matched to
mentors who are practicing pharmacists and
several events are held at the Faculty. Protégés
paired with at one of these events. There is no
other arrangement that allows such learning,
engagement and networking between students
still deep in their studies and pharmacists already
in their practice. And the mentors are eager and
willing to share their professional and career
experiences with their protégés. Every protégé
-‐shadowed me, some on repeat
-‐shadowed by
interview I described my practice in detail-‐ maybe
someone reading this now will spend a day or two
to anyone who asks.
pharmacists on pain related topics and provided
similar talks to pharmacy residents and even AHS
staff pharmacists. Along with my surgery
pharmacist peers I give presentations to medical
interns starting their surgery rotations. I tell them
what I think they need to know about clinical
pharmacy practice as they start their hospital
other disciplines are eager to learn from us. In
majority of his daily prescriptions are written on chart orders.
Provision of pain management by a pharmacist with
prescribing authority. Dole EJ, Murawski MM, Adolphe AB,
Aragon FD, Hochstadt B. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2007 Jan