Phalaenopsis Journal Second Quarter, Vol. 21(4) 2012 | Page 7

Alan Koch of Gold Country Orchids Michael Ooi from Malaysia Mitch Paroly Regions 17 and 18: NY, Eastern Canada, New England - Marilyn Shapiro and Carri Raven-Riemann IPA REGIONAL SPEAKERS’ DAYS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER! The New England and NY/Eastern Canada Regions of the International Phalaenopsis Alliance (IPA), in coop- eration with both the New Hampshire Orchid Society and the North Eastern New York Orchid Society, are present- ing two spectacular offerings, in two different locations, of their 2nd annual “Focus on Phals” Speakers’ Day for the convenience of everyone in the New England, Tri-State and Eastern Canada areas. Phalaenopsis - Second Quarter, Vol. 21(4) 2012 These two meetings will take place on the same weekend in September - Saturday, September 8 in Bedford, NH and Sunday, September 9 in Ballston Spa, NY. Each meeting will present the same program with: • Keynote Speaker, Ron McHatton, PhD, AOS Director of Education and Chief Operating Officer, speaking on “New Approaches to Pest and Disease Control” • Carlos Fighetti, current IPA President and Past Presi- dent of the AOS, with giving his presentation “Phal. Species and Their Variants – Are They or Not?” • Carri Raven-Riemann, New England Regional Director, past IPA President and owner of the orchidPhile, with her speaking on “The Best, The Brightest, The Smallest – New Breeding Directions for 2012”. In addition to the featured speakers, each meeting will also include a mini auction of several select Phalaenopsis and other genera, a roundtable discussion on culture, and several plant and supplies vendors. These events are open to everyone, IPA members or not, so we urge you to join us for what is always an informative, fun and relaxing day with both old and new orchid friends. And please note that our minimal registration fee just covers the cost of pro- viding food for everyone attending – the two IPA Regions are underwriting the expense of the speakers – so this is a prime opportunity to learn from two very special speakers who would not normally be in our area. Registration Forms – and further details of each meeting - are available from three sources: IPA website at Marilyn Shapiro at [email protected] Adrienne Giovino at [email protected]. Since space at each event is limited, early registration is strongly encouraged. So that the co-hosting society can plan on sufficient food and seating fo r all, we’re request- ing that you make your reservations early – we would like to have all registrations in by August 24th. These earlier registration deadlines will assure that everyone has a chair and that we will have sufficient food for all – both societies are already gearing up, planning the menus and making arrangements to help us ensure two fabulous and informa- tion-packed meetings! R INSIDE REPORT ... continued from page 5 PS. My thanks to all who attended our recent meeting in Wichita, Kansas during the AOS meetings. Our auction raised $1806 with one plant bringing in a fantastic $725! My special thanks to Helen Michael and Frank Smith for their generosity. The bidding “war” was fun for all of us! 7