Phalaenopsis Journal Second Quarter, Vol. 21(4) 2012 | Page 6

IPA Regional Reports Barbara Noe T he “Little Engine That Could” chugged into Wichita with just a few IPAers onboard to attend events held during the AOS Spring Members Meeting in late April. The message of optimism from this children’s book was certainly apparent as your board, bolstered to le- gal limits by proxies, worked a solid three hours Thursday evening reviewing where we’ve recently been and where we hope to go in the near term. The necessary work to direct the business of our organization was conducted by your dedicated representatives with enthusiasm. On Saturday, a small loyal and fiercely competitive group of IPA members and guests enjoyed a lovely lunch and robust auction providing needed funds to go toward the publishing of our ever-improving Jour- nal. We were small in number but large in spirit in Wichita! You missed a lot of fun at our events and an excellent Phalae- nopsis presentation by Byron Rinke to the entire assembly. Do try to be with us next time. Getting together at these meet- ings a couple times a year and again at our annual symposium keeps us connected. Between these events, our regional direc- tors are the glue that holds us together with their quarterly re- ports informing us of what is happening with the IP