Phalaenopsis Journal Second Quarter 2014 | Page 13
H.P. Norton
A Remarkable Orchid Breeder
Carlos Fighetti, Carri Raven-Riemann and Tom Harper
t the Spring meeting of the IPA and the American Orchid Julia Wilson x Phal. Golden Bells) proved that you can get blood
Society in Bloomington, Minnesota on May 3rd, 2014, red by using the yellow in Phal. Golden Bells. One of its progeny
H.P. Norton received the Lifetime Achievement Award has received an FCC/RHS award. And Phal.Lemon Candy (Phal.
from the IPA and the Excellence in Hybridizing Award Hausermann’s Candy ‘York’ AM/AOS x Phal. venosa ‘Red Mafrom the American Orchid Society. Both very well deserved hogany’ AM/AOS) has received three AM/AOS and three HCC/
awards based on his incredible breeding program to improve AOS awards.
By 1986, he obtained a plant of Phal. Hausermann’s Goldcup
Phalaenopsis species as well as its hybrids was presented on HP’s
which began a long series of
89th birthday.
new hybrids. The first was
In 1976, after an early retirePhal. Golden Daybreak (Phal.
ment due to health reasons from
Wappaoola x Phal. HauserThe Outboard Shop, a boat and
mann’s Goldcup). In 2002,
accessories dealership in North
Phal. [Dtps.] Don Lee (Dtps.
Charleston, South Carolina, HP
Jim x Phal.Golden Daybreak)
Norton bought his first orchid.
bloomed and may still be HP’s
Ironically, it was a Phalaenopbest orange flower to date.
sis from Jemmco Flowers in St.
1987 became a banner year
George, SC, intended to be a
with Phal. Orchidview Gold
gift to his wife, Katherine. Since
garnering seven AOS awards
they both needed to learn how
and Phal. Caitlin receiving
to grow it, HP continued to go
five AOS awards in addition
back to Jemmco for more culto Phal. Orchidview Headliner
tural information. As a result,
being granted seven AOS
Mike Osborne, the owner, beawards and Phal. King’s Rancame a close friend and mentor.
som being given four AOS
Because of HP’s keen interest
awards. These have proved to
and numerous questions, Mike
be incredible breeders.
encouraged HP to pursue hyHis interest then turned to
bridizing Phalaenopsis orchids
developing red Phalaenopsis, producwith a focus on yellow Phalaenopsis. With
ing Phal. Katie Morris (Donald Rigg
Mike’s help, HP began the hybridizing prox Hartford’s Jewel) and Phal. Abed-nego
cess and founded his business, Orchidview,
(Dtps. Inferno x Phal. Malibu Imp).
along with Katherine as his partner.
Both hybrids received an Award of QualToday H.P. is one of the best-known and
ity from the AOS. Phal. Katie Morris clones
most respected hybridizers and growers
range from bright orange to deep red while
of Phalaenopsis orchids in the world. His
Phal.Abed-nego is a true red with a mulcrosses have won dozens of American
titude of flowers on branching infloresOrchid Society awards.
cences. Phal. Abed-nego and Phal. Lonnie
In 1980, he crossed two of his then
Morris are good examples of the reds comvery few plants, Phal. Golden
ing from the influence of Phal.(Doritis)
Pride with Phal. Dos Puebpulcherrima.
los, to produce Phal. WapHP’s latest passion has been the
paoola, his first step in yelpursuit of blue Phalaenopsis. During
low breeding. In 1984 he used
the summer of 1980, HP met Michael
Phal. venosa ‘Red Mahogany’
Ooi from Malaysia at Jemmco Flowers.
AM/AOS with Phal. Golden
Because Michael expressed an interest
Sands ‘Canary’ FCC/AOS to
in visiting with Gavino Rotor of Crestmake Phal. Golden Bells. To date there have been 63 crosses
registered by more than a dozen different breeders using Phal. wood Orchids in Signal Mountain, TN, Mike Osborne, HP,
Golden Bells as a parent. Orchidview’s Phal. Camp Bells (Phal. and Michael Ooi arranged the visit. During the trip they talked
... continued on page 16
Phalaenopsis | Second Quarter | Volume 24 | 2014