Peterborough Phantoms Sponsorship 2014-15 | Page 19

Social banners are a simple yet extremely effective way to sponsor a weekly or special visual that will be broadcasted via the Phantoms’ different social networks. Considered the strongest communication source with our fans outside of the arena, social media creates a positive and lasting image that has unlimited exponential potential for growing your brand. Phantoms followers will be encouraged to like, favorite, retweet, repin and share all posts in addition to commenting. #61 Jason Buckman! Defence SOCIAL BANNERS SOCIAL PRICING: WEEKLY SOCIAL BANNER £1000 (5 Spots Available) SPECIALTY SOCIAL BANNER £100 (can be done multiple times) DIGITAL PROPERTIES Potential reach of 1000+ a week! Visually stimulating! Extreme brand awareness! Entices interaction! Heavy exponential potential! BENEFITS ! PLAYER TO WATCH QUESTION OF THE WEEK OPTIONS GAME PREVIEW QUOTE OF THE WEEK SPECIALTY BANNER: For more information on sponsorships with the Peterborough Phantoms contact our Marketing Specialists by email: Carrie or Lee or tel: Carrie- 07595673913 or Lee- 07453276173 More examples available by request 19