Peterborough Phantoms Sponsorship 2014-15 | Page 18

PhanTV, the official channel of the Peterborough Phantoms, has emerged as one our most popular and visually stimulating digital properties. With a weekly broadcast schedule across YouTube, Social Media and PhanTV is an easy way to create instant brand recognition for your business and also a lasting place with our core fan base weekto-week! PHANTV BENEFITS #51 Erik Piatak! Forward Fan favourite! 25+ episodes a year! Visual and interactive! Strong replay value! EXAMPLES SPONSORED SHOW SPONSORED SEGMENT PHANTV PRICING: Sponsored Segment £200 Sponsored Show “MEET THE PHANTOMS” 18 “ATTICA VIP PLAY OF THE GAME” £500 For more information on sponsorships with the Peterborough Phantoms contact our Marketing Specialists by email: Carrie or Lee or tel: Carrie- 07595673913 or Lee- 07453276173