Pete Cohen - Motivational Speaker and Executive Coach Executive Coaching | Page 3
I was feeling burnt out with energy, enthusiasm, and effectiveness. I
was not in good shape, both physically and mentally, and was burnt
out from working very long hours. Working with Pete has trans-
formed so much for me. I am in much better shape now and have
learnt to manage what I do more effectively. I would recommend his
coaching to anyone who is looking for personal and professional
Head of Business Development - Thomas Cook
How To Once And For All Banish Burnout
Why is it that some people buckle under to burnout, and just go through the motions, while
others have the ability to always be fresh and crackling with infectious energy?
This kind of dreadful burnout I’m referring to never actually goes away. Long weekends aren’t
much help. Neither are all the things that seemed to work before... a round of golf, some time
with friends, a change of scene.
Simple relaxation seems impossible to find.
What’s really needed is a way to bundle up this burnout and put it in a dustbin.
Here’s the thing. You really can’t hide burnout. Not for long. It always has a way of catching
up, and knocking you down, often at the worst possible time. This is one of the most import-
ant things I would like to help you achieve. Replacing the everyday burdens
of feeling burnt out with energy, enthusiasm, and effectiveness.
There are no shortcuts here. No quick fixes. Otherwise, burnout sneaks back into the office
like an unwelcome visitor.
What we’ll work on together is a different approach that is methodically constructed on a dif-
ferent approach to your health. Mental exhaustion is noth e adjustments to lifestyle, exercise,
and nutrition.
What kind of adjustments? The ones appropriate for you to fine-tune yourself mentally, emo-
tionally and physically.
V i s i t m e o n l i n e at P e t e C o h e n .C o m