Pet Gazette June 2019 | Page 29

RETAIL ADVICE | PET GAZETTE | 29 ARE YOU MAKING THESE COMMON MISTAKES WITH YOUR ONLINE SHOP? Nicola Ravensford, founder of Ravensford Consultancy Ltd explores the points to take note of to ensure your online presence allows for seamless ordering and aligns with your store service I t has never been easier for companies to have an online presence; many would argue that it is essential in today’s developing marketplace if your business is to thrive. Without a doubt, the internet has not been a playground of positive development for many retailers. Price wars exist; overheads climb while foot trade falls, consumers are savvy to what they pay, what they can get, the deal, and the follow up a company can provide. As with everything business, you must be able to adapt and keep the forward momentum or face the hard realities. The most important thing to keep in mind is focus on the user. The main needs of the consumer from both online and in-store shopping experience were as you would expect. Price, followed by speed of delivery and ease of returns were top of the list. The human interaction and personalised shopping experience scored much lower. This was in a 2016 consumer trends report. A 2018 study (Statista 2019) found that consumers’ main reasons for choosing online shopping was an ability to compare prices, a wider range of products and comfort of shopping from their own home. The market is changing, is your business taking these fast paced changes into account? Service - Clarity of information and amazing follow up on returns and complaints wins. If you have both an online presence and a store, can the customer return or swap items at either? This is straightforward if the online admin/ordering and physical store operates from the same premises; but from a customer’s perspective, it makes no difference. Same company, same rules. Some do this exceptionally well, which means that to compete, you must follow suit. Do in-store pricing and online offers match up? Save embarrassment by staying on top of what the customer sees as the price to pay, regardless of what media they use. Updated – If it is out of stock then make sure the system recognises it and let the customer know. Better still; suggest an alternative, a pre order and an expected time of delivery. This will keep customers on your site and not send them looking for someone who has it in stock. Even if something is not immediately available you can save the sale with clear information as to when it will be sent. Information – One of the biggest unrecognised costs to a business is paying staff to answer the same questions over and over again. Produce a good FAQ, detailed product information or even make a regularly updated product video user guide that can be downloaded from your site. It’ll save you time and money in the long run, and allow your online ordering to be bringing in sales 24/7. I find this especially important in our industry. So many pet products exist because they have a specialist sales point to them. An automated way of communicating this to the consumer is as close as you can get to a 1-2-1 sales pitch. Efficiency – I shop online from a well known feed company. The online ordering process is one of the most complicated things I’ve encountered on the internet! I can tell the company would rather not deal directly with the customer, so are almost obtuse in their ordering process. This would be okay, but for the fact I cannot seem to buy the feed from any local retailer either. So there you have it, I end up shopping elsewhere, for other products, where I can select a card I have used before, my address is pre populated and it even remembers my past orders and delivery details. Deals – everyone loves a great deal online. It’s the new expression of rummaging through the bargain bin of CDs at the service station and finding one that isn’t Queen's greatest hits. It’s a direct way to keep people coming back to check in with you, as well as somewhere to mark down your clearance stock to a wider audience. So long as you keep on top of your email list, your contacts and pricing in-store, it can be a very successful way to gain new unique hits to your site. It is a worthwhile task to spend some time on looking at your customer purchasing journey to make it seamless, memorable and efficient. Nicola has spent the last 13 years working in the pet retail industry and is the founder of Ravensford Consultancy Ltd, a company dedicated to helping businesses in the pet trade. “I really love coming up with ideas for creative incentives for a team. Please feel free to contact me if you would like a little inspiration for your next company incentive.” [email protected] 077770 546275 June 2019