Perth & Kinross Universal Youth Work Case Studies 2019-2020(clone) | Page 4


The Breathe Project is about building a community with everyone involved; young and old. It strives to deliver both professional youth work and Christian youth ministry through its base at Aberfeldy Parish Church. Breathe serves the Streathearn and Strathallan areas.

Annual Award: £24,748

Outcome 1: More security and sustainability with core and programme support.

The funding is great but there are other aspects of the partnership I value more. In terms of security the funding is helpful, but we still need to find a significant portion of our funding elsewhere.

Outcome 2: Reduced time on applications and reporting

I'm not sure about any benefit in reducing reporting time. However, it's not a big issue for us because thankfully we've got the capacity to deal with this. There’s been times when it feels like we’ve doubled up in terms reporting. I’d find it helpful to get feedback on quarterly reports because there have been times at meetings we attend are we’re being asked things that suggest what we’ve submitted hasn’t been read.

Outcome 3: Shared knowledge, expertise and resources through structured networking and monitoring

There is probably more of an option to go to the partner only meetings and if there is an option I probably won’t go unless I have to be there [and just go to the meetings with funders and partners] .

Outcome 4: Increased profile, voice and value from being part of an authority wide collective

I’d say that particularly sharing our story online has raised our profile. And it terms of in response to Covid sharing our programme and ideas online has been hugely beneficial. For me this is the key outcome in terms of the benefits of the partnership. It has encouraged us to raise our profile and spread our story more. In terms of speaking on the radio, using social media the partnership has had a huge influence in making that happen.