Perspectives Volume 40, Number 1 | Page 7

Lakes Region of Central Africa. It has boosted soil health to grow more crops and – when linked to favorable markets – increased incomes by 20 to 50 percent. One part of the ISFM approach is the addition of secondary and micronutrients (SMNs). IFDC trials in East Africa illustrate that crops and soils respond well to SMNs. Though the green revolution increased use of primary nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), farmers have not replenished SMNs in the soil. IFDC’s semi-autonomous research unit, the Virtual Fertilizer Research Center (VFRC), is working closely in these trials to create datasets that include soil and crop needs by region. This dataset will provide researchers with accurate knowledge to help farmers apply the right nutrients to the right crops. “Soil, in a sense, is a living thing,” says IFDC president and CEO, Amit Roy. “As such we must approach its health as we approach human health: balanced nutrition is imperative.” There are organisms in the soil that help plants grow better. Often though, unbalanced fertilizer applications can kill these organisms. The VFRC has released several reports that are unlocking new knowledge about the “living” state of soil.* “This is not a success story – not yet. It’s a call to action.” Further, IFDC is engaged in a public-private partnership (PPP) with NFT industries to develop “seed core” fertilizer technology that utilizes micronutrients in simple fertilizers. This technology features urea granules with micronutrient cores that increase micronutrient content in soil. This technology will be an affordable way for farmers to increase yields and meet requirements of crops. Now is the time for other organizations and governments to rally innovations that can both nourish the soil and the people who depend on it. Current technology will not cut it. Nearly 1 billion people still experience chronic hunger. The scientific leaders met the challenge head-on in the early 20th century, and now we too must overcome the barriers to global nutrition. The ability of public and private organizations to develop new ways to nourish the soil in the next 35 years will determine whether or not the additional 2 billion inhabitants of Earth live fulfilled lives. This is not a success story – not yet. It’s a call to action. * VFRC Reports Relating to Soil Health All reports are available at 2013/1: Following the Path of Nutrients in the Leaves. Renu Pandey, Vengavasi Krishnapriya and Prem S. Bindraban. 2013/4: Early Growth, a Vital Stage for P Uptake. A.L. Smit, M. Blom-Zandstra, A. van der Werf and Prem S. Bindraban. 2014/1: Beneficial Organisms for Nutrient Uptake. Nina Koele, Thomas W. Kuyper and Prem S. Bindraban. 2014/2: Eliminating Zinc Deficiencies in Rice-Based Systems. A. Duffner, E. Hoffland, T.J. Stomph, A. Melse-Boonstra and Prem S. Bindraban. 2014/3: Se Fertilization: An Agro-Ecosystem Approach. G.H. Ros, A.M.D. van Rotterdam, G.D. Doppenberg, D.W. Bussink and Prem S. Bindraban. 2015/1: Beyond N and P: Toward a Land Resource Ecology Perspective and Impactful Fertilizer Interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa. R. Voortman and Prem S. Bindraban. 2015/2: Nanoscale Micronutrients Suppress Disease. A. Servin, W. Elmer, A. Mukherjee, R. De La Torre-Roche, H. Hamdi, J.C. White and C. Dimkpa. IFDC Magazine 7