Personal Project 1 | Page 6


How Two Students Are Innovating To Make A Difference In Their Community

Both Michelle and Madalena are in the 10th grade and are working on their app TimeBreak with help from their mentors and teachers at school. Last year, they originally were making an app called TechBreak but they were unable to

continue with it after they found that

there were technical problems. Right away,

they began working on their new app:

TimeBreak. Both of their apps focus on

finding a balance for how we use technology

in our daily lives-hence their catchphrase-

"Work, Play, Achieve"

Both of your apps have similar

concepts, where did you get the


Mada: In the 8th grade, we had a design class

with Mr. Moran and he started a new project

where we had to look at how technology

affected our lives. For TechBreak, we decided to

continue researching on that idea of technology Michelle (above) and Madelena

affecting our lives. We then decided to make an app to help (Right) Presenting their idea

people with that problem.

Were there challenges that you faced

when making the app, in general?

More specifically, were there

problems that you faced because

you are younger than most people

who are innovators/ developers- did

you feel as if you could not do

something because of your age?

Michelle: I think that it was already harder because we always had to talk to teachers about it and get the approval of everything we were doing- that was kind of challenging and it took more time.

Mada: I guess the programs and stuff that we wanted to get into _________. There are a lot of opportunities for younger developers

" If you do not do something for the people that affect you or the problems that you are facing, no one is going to work with you."