FASHION TREND BOARD Analyzing trends are an important part of the fashion industry, all trends are based upon a business’ target market. The color selection, details, fabrication, and mood are play an essential role in the buying procedure. Understanding the needs of customer is also something that needs to be taken into consideration when selecting a line of clothing. The trend board that I have created reflects several of the predicted trends for the upcoming Fall/Winter 2015 collection. Spotsylvania is made up by two major profiles: Believers and Achievers. Believers are described as individuals of a lower economic status highly motivated by ideals and traditional thoughts. While their incomes are considered modest they a like to shop with established brands. Achievers on the other hand are come from a higher socioeconomic status and are motivated by success and recognition. They share a similar mentality with the Believers, living conservative lives and purchasing from recognizable brands. To cater to both of these markets, my trend board target the young professional male in his mid-twenties and early thirties. The clothing chosen is extremely simple, I selected images sweaters, knitted goads, and leather to represent the simplicity of the customer. Both profiles are conservative in their ways and prefer classic sense of style. The silhouette of most of these garments are tight and form fitting representing the stability of the garment. The leather from the bomber jacket and the silk material from the men’s suit represent the smooth and sleekness of the items. Fabric used for this upcoming season may include several knits, wools, polyester, and cotton made goods. All of these materials are of good quality and are fairly inexpensive to obtain making the clothing affordable for both profiles. The style is simple and chic so that it appeals to the target market. There is little to detail used on the pieces because the target market enjoys simplicity. This target is not one to stem far from tradition or drastic changes in their wardrobe. The neutral colors used on the board reflect the conservative nature of the customer. The men from this region prefer standard colors that don’t challenge tradition. The colors also fit the sophisticated mood being portrayed in on the board. Because both profiles aspire for a lavish lifestyle, the selected items such as the watches, cologne, and ties help create a luxurious mood. The Believers and Achievers both share an interest in success and attaining a certain social status. They desire a lifestyle that is face paced such as a life in the city with open door to different opportunities both professionally and socially.