Fear: An Epigenetic Influence
Our negative and judgmental perception of the experiences that life is handing us is the root of the cause of all emotional pain. The focus of our attention on emotions and thoughts that are other than uplifting or pleasurable, evoke the experience of fear, a prime Epigenetic Influence. The most profound illustrations of fear are shame, guilt, anger, hate and death. Blame, regret and despair also carry low- density vibrational frequency that influences the expression of our genes and DNA and how they communicate functional information to our cells.
Fear plays out as a chain reaction in the brain that starts with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals. The energetic frequency signals that are generated by the perception of fear are read by our DNA and have an effect that causes a racing heart, fast breathing and energized muscles and puts the body on alert. This is also known as the fight-or-flight response. The overall effect is an increase in circulation and energy to certain body systems and a maintenance mode for less important functions at this time. When we focus on a perceived fear, we lower the vibration frequencies within us and become disharmonious with others, the Earth, the Universe, with everything. Our immune systems become weakened and susceptible to illness, disease, aging and eventually premature death.
Fear originates from our basic lack of trust and the result of disparaging perception. It is an illusion created by the ego-mind and our disconnection from the presence of Love and Joy. When we are in the present moment we are connected to a “Higher Consciousness”; there is zero fear, anxiety or insecurity about the future. However, the personality that lives in your mind, the ego that creates the contrast in your life and lives in your pain, will always intervene and try to pull you away from truly connecting to Heart Centeredness. Therefore the ego’s only worry is in its own death, which lies in your conscious choice to embrace “Love”.
Roman philosopher Epictetus said two millennia ago: “Men are disturbed other than by things, but by the view which they take of them.”
Trust: The Epigenetic Antidote
Trust is beyond logic and belief. It is other than about mental ideas or about something that is right or wrong, good or bad. Trust is giving complete acceptance and assurance over to “Divine Intelligence”; trusting that it will provide you with everything you need, at time you need it, but other than always when you want it. Fear and negativity are absent in the presence of Trust.
When we focus beyond the illusionary creations of the mind to our deepest Wisdom, we truly connect to the Divinity within us. Your whole process on this planet is learning to tune in and tap into the vibrational frequency of Love; the voice calling to you from the depths of your own Heart.
The life we have chosen to live simply offers an opportunity to grow, shift and celebrate. Every experience that comes your way will ask you if you are willing to let go, if you are willing to be in the present moment, if you are willing to Trust.
Spiritual Awakening
In the process of Spiritual Awakening you open to an energy that communicates Well-Being, Abundance, Joy and Liberation. It is a new awareness from the perspective of Trust and Divine order. Living your life from this viewpoint, where hummingbirds, dolphins and whales reside, allows your full expression and potential to be expressed and experienced. It is a world that is based on the consciousness of nature, a place where creation unfolds into the Joyousness of the moment. Living in this reality you are aware that you have choices along your path. You follow your inner guidance system, reflected in the awareness of the Wisdom and Truth within your Heart, rather than by the illusionary stories of the mind.
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