PERREAULT Magazine JULY 2014 | Page 49

The basis of every state of mind and matter, including conditions of disease or health, is their primary state of vibration. Therefore, the very life you live is a reflection of your own vibrational essence. You are the Creative force in the unfolding story of your journey. Your world as you embark upon it now is filled with higher consciousness and vibrational frequencies that will only be supporting your highest potential.

The Key to Living a Quality Life

The Science of Epigenetics has shown us that we have a say over the quality of our life.

The data that has been revealed gives us insight to how the epigenetic influences that are derived from our perception and environment affect the expression of our genes and DNA and their communications to our cells. Once you become aware of these Epigenetic Influences, your life will flourish.

Vibrational Intelligence

There are over 60 trillion cells within the human body, each cell is filled with intelligence and has the ability to communicate with each other. They have memory and can transfer information in sequences that cause the body to manifest disease or be nurtured in Well-Being. Our genes and DNA are the instructional blueprints for our cells as well as the ancestral blueprint of all past generations. Our DNA communicates information in the form of vibrational intelligence, based on how it reads the signals generated from your outer and inner environments. The food we eat, the air we breathe, our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and even the words we speak, are all epigenetic influences that hold a vibrational frequency.

Epigenetic Therapy Addresses Lower Frequencies

The Epigenetic Therapist facilitates the energetic frequencies that fine tune, reprogram and rewire destructive programs and low-density vibrations that occupy our subconscious mind, cellular memory and energy fields. This shifts one’s neurobiology, which helps activate or suppress the patterns of expression of the DNA, without changing the original DNA sequence. Epigenetic Therapy moves you out of victimhood and into Mastery—mastery over your awareness to Wisdom, Truth, Health and a Joyful life. It is the new “Vibrational Medicine” of today and will certainly be the standard of tomorrow.

When our perception is rooted in illusion we experience a fear-based reality.

In this world of duality or opposites, as we view things from two points of reference, we achieve perspective: pain/pleasure, evil/good, failure/success, sad/joy, strive/thrive, death/life. Since our thoughts are energy then both perspectives carry a vibrational frequency; except one holds a Higher vibration and is in alignment with the energies of Wisdom and Truth, that we as a species are in the throes of Embracing in this lifetime.

You are other than a victim of your life story. You are a fully responsible participant in your choices presented along the path of your journey. The duality/contrast that we experience in our lives gives us an opportunity of choice between the egos low-density energy of limited perspective and the higher level of vibration radiating from the ancient Wisdom of the Heart. As we emerge into this new energy and in order to continually experience the embrace of Harmony, Vibrancy and Joy in the Real World, it is essential that we consciously choose Heart –Focused Intent. In doing so, it serves to dissipate the underlying lower vibrational energy that brings forth undesirable outcomes. It also allows true objectivity to be possible, revealing the gift of the clarity that was there all along.

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