Natrum Muriaticum
(Sodium Chloride)
Homeopathic dilution of sea salt
Sodium and Chloride are both constituents of the human physiology. Sodium plays an important role in the water balance of the body, the nervous system, the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. The following are the Homeopathic therapeutic potentials of Natrum Muriaticum. These effects are due to the fact that salt can cause dehydration and in reverse hydration, oily versus dry skin and mucous membranes, stimulated or dulled nerve electrical potentials, weight gain or loss, increase or decreased blood pressure, to name some of the physiological effects.
Treats headaches that are throbbing, with sensation of bursting upon waking up and in the morning around 10-11AM. These headaches can be in the front of the head and the eyes or can start from the back of the head upward. Usually taking something sweet or salty or caffeine will make the headache feel better.
Treats oily or dry skin, especially in the edges of the hairline in front and the neck area. Can treat acne around the hairline, lips or chin.
Treats nasal and vaginal discharges that are watery, clear to foamy and non-irritating.
Can experience problem with digestion and bloating of the abdomen, constipation requiring straining to evacuate or on the contrary, diarrhea during the day.
Can treat dehydration of the skin or nasal mucous membrane causing tingling or itching of the affected area or dryness of the vaginal mucous membrane which makes intercourse and irritating experience.
Can treat water gain during the period causing abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, ankle and leg swelling, and general edema. Periods that are abundant and watery.
Can have periods of the time with depressed mood, brooding over the negative trivia of life. Can become indifferent to work and family. Can have obsessions with appearance to the point of being late for appointments. Can become anxious and hyperactive at times to a point of forgetting things and needing to go back and double check. The individual has a tendency to be introverted, secretive and may have some trust issues.
Disclaimer: Material and medicines presented in Homeopathy Workshops articles are for the purpose of introducing Homeopathy. A safe and sound Homeopathic treatment needs to be prescribed by your Homeopathic physician after a proper interview.
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~ Dr. Hakimi
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