Looking deeper at the circular cyclical symbol of the Yin-Yang, one can find the esoteric meaning of the Zodiac wheel and the distribution of light and dark, day and night throughout the year. The white wave represents Yang and day while the black wave symbolizes Yin and night.
The Spring Equinox has long been an auspicious day, In fact, it was chosen to be the international storytelling day! So today you must make sure to tell as many stories as possible. When someone asks you "How are you?" don't just shoot back the regular old "Fine, and you?" Instead, connect to the ancient tradition of storytelling dating back to the "domestication" of fire tell a tale, an anecdote, a synchronicity.
Spring or Vernal Equinox (Equi=Equal, Nox=Night) has and still is celebrated by the Celts, Saxon, Hebrews (Passover), Roman (Feast of Cybele), Japan (time of family reunion), Ancient Egyptians, Iranian New Year (Nowruz), Cambodian New Year, Thailand's Songkran, and recently declared the worldwide Earth-Day. March 20th is also the astrological new-year, marking the birth of God and Goddess' firstborn: Aries, the sign Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. Representing the archetype of the shepherd, the leader, the initiator, and liberator, Aries is a monist sign, believing that everything comes from the One. No wonder Monotheism was developed and spread by Aries folks. The great mythology researcher, Joseph Campbell, a true Aries, coined the term Monomyth, describing the similar Hero's journey found in diverse mythologies around the world (Hero with a Thousand Faces).
Spring, therefore, is the season of unity and oneness.
Since humanity begun domesticating plants, spring became associated with the seed, the initiation of life and the liberation from the restrictive, forbidding and dangerous winter. People around the globe celebrated the arrival spring, thankful they have survived the White Witch of Winter's cold and ruthless reign.
Mars, the ruler of Aries and namesake of March, was also the god of vegetation and seeds and in the Genesis story of creation on the third day, (Martes in Spanish, named after Mars), God created plants and trees:
11. Then God said, " Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit after their kind, with seed in them, on the earth "; and it was so.
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