Gahl Sasson is a spiritual teacher who has earned a wide and enthusiastic following across the globe. He teaches ongoing workshops on Kabbalah, Mythology, and Astrology in Europe, Israel, Turkey, Mexico, and in dozens of cities across the United States.
spring (equinox) into action
Spring Equinox
(in the Northern Hemisphere)
Due to gravitational forces (or celestial love affair) between the Moon and the Sun, the earth is tilted 23.5 degrees which makes the four seasons part of the music of life.
Astrology was conceived in the attempt to understand, explain and guide us through these four stations represented by the four cardinal signs:
Aries for Spring,
Cancer of Summer,
Libra for Fall and
Capricorn for Winter.
As we cross the border between Winter and Spring, the day become longer than the night.
We are shifting from being introverted to extroverted as we mimic nature and her resurrection from the slumber of winter.
March 20th, Spring Equinox, is the moment we move away from the Yin half of the year, represented by the dark, cool, moist and feminine night, into the six month ruled by Yang, which is bright, hot, dry and masculine.
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