Periódico Casco Antiguo News EDICIÓN 24 · JULIO - AGOSTO · 2018 | Page 7
EDICIÓN 24 · 2018
Á ngeles R amos B aquero :
Passion for Museums
T he dynamic management carried out by R amos
B aquero has positioned the P anama C anal
M useum as one of the most visited museums in the
country .
ince Ángeles Ramos Baquero was a child, cultural topics have
been part of her daily life. One of the ones that caught her atten-
tion the most was that of the museums, which she visited frequently
with her family. Ramos Baquero has maintained that love and affection for
them, and since 1996 she has carried a great responsibility on her shoul-
ders: hosting a place where the history of the greatest engineering work in
Panama, the Panama Canal, is jealously kept as a great treasure in the
Interoceanic Canal Museum.
Doctora en Historia del Arte
por la Universidad de Sevilla,
España. Master en Historia
del Arte por la Universidad de
Navarra, España. Desde 1996,
ejerce en el Museo del Canal
Interoceánico de Panamá como
Directora y Curadora en Jefe
encargada de la recolección
y organización de la colección
del Museo y administración
de todos los proyectos de
Es Académica Correspondiente
de la Real Academia Sevillana de
Buenas Letras. Fue Presidente del
International Council of Museum
(ICOM) Capítulo de Panamá y es
Miembro del Consejo Consultivo
del ICOM con sede en Paris.
Durante los últimos 20 años,
ha sido la gestora y Curadora de
las más de trescientas sesenta
(360) exhibiciones, entre ellas
salas permanentes, exhibiciones
temporales e itinerantes realizadas
en el Museo del Canal.
Were history and art always present in your family at home?
From an early age, our parents brought my siblings and me closer to di-
fferent artistic expressions. History, literature, reading, music, and art were
an everyday element in our lives at home. Museums always occupied a
special place in our education and were the main option for family leisure.
We really enjoyed the visits to art and history museums, temporary exhi-
bitions, and all the cultural activities that were generated around the home
of the Muses.
Do you think that Panama is doing what it takes to advertise the acti-
vities of the Canal?
Our audience has grown exponentially since we opened, we were the
first choice of a museum open to the public every day except Mondays,
and we were one of the first buil dings restored for this purpose in the Cas-
co Antiguo. The growth of our audience is influenced by several factors.
Firstly, the effort we have made over the last 20 years to create a culture
of museums in our country. Secondly, the organization of relevant tempo-
rary exhibitions, which allow us to offer the community a great diversity of
cultural opportunities that are attractive due to the equality and diversity
of their subjects. This has been paramount for increasing our audience.
In addition, the growth of tourism has been another positive factor for the
international recognition of the museum.
How is the history of the Panama Canal currently being spread among
the new generations?
Our museum has a museographic discourse and an innovative museo-
graphy that allows all our visitors to know more about the history of Pa-
nama and its canal in a wide way. You can see and learn about the emer-
gence of the Isthmus of Panama to the most recent events in our history. In
addition, the museum has interactive technology and audioguides that can
adapt to different audiences. We also have tours designed for the public
with special needs. Our ability to reach a wide range of audiences is indeed
one of the keys to our success.
What impact has the Panama Canal Museum had on tourism?
Our museum has become an indisputable reference for tourism in Pa-
nama. We are positively recommended in all international tourist guides.
We also received the Trip Advisor Travelers Choice Attractions Award in
2014, as well as other awards for our HQ graphic design from the Ameri-
can Alliance of Museums.
El edificio fue inuagurado el 4 de septiembre de 1875 como el Grand Hotel.
Ofrecía un lujoso hospedaje para hasta 150 personas. Sus servicios eran
bastante avanzados para la época
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