Periódico Casco Antiguo News EDICIÓN 20 · ENERO 2018 | Page 19

POLO GASTRONÓMICO ENERO DE 2018 Para apoyar la labor de Give and Surf, El Mercadito Biológico organizó la cena Give Back Party Navideño a beneficio de esta ONG, con un menú preparado con todos los vegetales y carnes de primera calidad que utilizan diariamente en su cocina. «En un país donde la última prioridad es la educa- ción, este es el mejor regalo para nuestros hijos, darles la oportuni- dad de que todos se beneficien con la escolaridad y vivamos en una sociedad mejor», dijo Marcano a propósito del evento. Lamarca cocinó, entre otros platos, un ceviche de coco al esti- lo tailandés, una ricota parmesana con perlas de cúrcuma, un taco de cerdo marinado en naranja y cin- co especias y un risotto de coco, guandú y palmito fresco. Alre- dedor de treinta y cinco personas asistieron, se deleitaron comieron y además dieron su aporte para la educación de los niños de Bocas del Toro. No es la primera vez que El Mer- cadito Biológico participa en causas benéficas. También ha colaborado con Fanlyc (Fundación de Amigos del Niño con Leucemia y Cáncer) y ha puesto su granito de arena en fiestas para los niños que viven en la barriada de El Chorrillo. «Esperemos que esta sea la pri- mera de muchas colaboraciones, queremos que los panameños se involucren con la labor de la orga- nización Give and Surf y su misión de trabajar por nuestro país», resaltó Marcano. Entre los platos más pedidos de El Mercadito Biológico están los tacos de hongos. C ooking for helping children T he proposal “F rom the farm to the table ” invites you to eat healthier and also to collaborate with a good cause . E l Mercadito Biológico’s philosophy is pretty simple, however not everyone is capable of understand it. It’s just about being more aware of what you eat, getting rid of artificial products with refined sugar and other non-or- ganic elements. The restaurant’s premise is choosing freshly picked ingredients. It offers a wide menu including vegan and vegetarian options, as well as a market with more than four hundred natural products. Four years before, Raquel Marcano decided to have a heal- thier diet, and she also opted for supporting other local and fo- reign producers that think the same. She opened El Mercadito Biológico in a San Francisco street. At present, the market has turned into one of the most visited places for those who care about eating healthier and tastier food. “El Mercadito has always had a kitchen. At its opening, there was a great lack of organic products and the people didn’t know what it offered. They had to taste it first.” tells Javier Lamarca, chef behind El Mercadito. The market’s most often requested dishes are the quinoa roll with coconut tofu, mushroom tacos, and different kinds of soup. Each dish is pre- pared with homegrown ingredients, mainly from Boquete, Bas- timento’s Island –in Bocas del Toro-, Penonome, and Darien. Organic farmers are the ones in charge of growing fresh pro- ducts, which is the place’s second premise: “From the farm to the table.” It’s All about Giving This concept is essential not only in El Mercadito Bioló- gico, but also in every activity proposed by both Marcano y Lamarca. The most recent event was held on December the previous year, in Casa Nolita. It had a very special purpose: El quinoa roll viene acompañado de tofu y es uno de los preferidos por los comensales. helping and supporting the Give and Surf Foundation in Bocas Del Toro. Give and Surf works with a population of more than five hundred members of scant means in the ngäbe community, with no access to education. It has already built schools and develo- ped programs in order to make the children grow academically. In order to support the work of Give and Surf, El Mercadito Biológico organized the Give Back Christmas Party dinner for this NGO, in which the best, freshly picked, top-quality vegeta- bles and meat used in the kitchen will be served. “In a country where education is the last thing to worry about, this is the best gift we can give our children, the opportunity of being benefited from scholarship and also being part of a better society.” Mar- cano said, with regard to the event. Lamarca cooked Thai coconut ceviche, parmesan ricot- ta with turmeric pearls, taco pork marinated in orange juice and five spices, coconut risotto, pigeon peas, and fresh heart of palm, among other dishes. Around 35 people assisted to the event and were delighted by the food; in addition, they did their part helping the children from Bocas Del Toro. It’s not the first participation of El Mercadito Biológico in charitable causes. It has worked with Fanlyc; -a foundation helping children with cancer and leukemia-, and it also has done its part with children parties in the slums of El Chorrillo. “We hope this will be the first part of much collaboration. We want Panamanians to be involved in works with the Give and Surf Organization and its mission to work with the people in our country.” Marcano concluded. 19